Lyric discussion by Consmonaut 

To me, this song is incredibly cathartic and teeming with conviction.

I believe it is completely about being 20-something and lost as can be.

Officially a man, but still not quite there, just caught somewhere in the throws of well above the legal age, but still not recognized by contemporaries. Its tough, and you want to be recognized by your coworkers, but it just can't happen. Its tough to relate to people outside your age group, and all of which are above you, and have no understanding of what exactly you are.

Trying your damnedest, you try to live up to an old generation's standards, but simply can't, its like being a child in a city with no children in it; the people you relate to.

The childhood hope about the letter, or even the millionaire (C.E.O. type figure with the same sort of inspiration) who has the same disconnect, just screams the meaning to me.

The thing about this CD, is personally I see no political allegory. Past albums seemed to say that to me too, but as I get older, I actually tend to relate to the arcade fire more.

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