Lyric discussion by DevilBoy 

I personally think it's about a teenager who slipped into the slums and the more 'heavy criminals' embrace him ('welcome to the family'). In the first lines he starts to slip morally- living a reckless lifestyle- later leading him into drugs and violence. The 'family' that embraces him- were all like him- kings who have been dethroned (people who had a choice before degrading)- the one whos talking to him identifies with his story- the choros is an invitation- we share the same thoughts, we have no one to call to when in distress- but with that invitation he also suggests- we live in the real world, the others are the fake, but we can't win this fight we will always be outnumbered, people will always hunt us down. the final lines are for those who still have a choice- the 'noninvited' to the family, he gives us a taste of their world and why you don't belong, or rather should'nt want to belong in that family. (my first post here..! :) )

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