Lyric discussion by Thingie68 

I think it's about staring a "Normal Life" (9-5 job, 2-3 kids, house in the suburbs) but knowing the pitfalls of living it (soul sucking job - 1st verse, playing catching up to the Joneses - 2nd verse, going out to socials for appearances sake - 3rd verse). And it's about staring life over, after these lessons are learned, but not having the love you started this life with originally (1st verse also,and chorus) Because of the loss of love, it is done differently, on his/her own terms, without fear (I would rather be wrong, then live in the shadows of your song).

It took a while to get the full meaning, but this song just hit me like a bullet when i heard it on the radio.

It would fit seeing how "suburbs" is the theme here. I can really identify with this song. It's like growing out of youth into adulthood and living in the adult world. Life through the eyes of a teenager is very beautiful. You can do anything and reach for the stars, no one is stopping you. But when you grow up you realize that life is not what you thought it was AT ALL. You are not as entitled as you think you are. You are pretty much at the bottom. I really feel that this song is about "coming to terms with...

I got mostly the same thing out of this song. To me, it's about accepting what your life is going to be now that you've grown up. But it also is about dealing with where you've come from- dealing with where you were and what type of person you were in College (and being tempted to go back to that,) while you try to leave it behind and accept being an adult in the real world. Saying that yes, I know being an adult with a full time job sucks, but I'm ok with it, and I'm not going to...

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