Lyric discussion by palindromic 

There is a lamentation here that pervades Butler's voice itself, and seems to permeate into the very essence of that paradigm of urban, urbane life vs. the perhaps more bucolic vision of the suburban. The truly solemn incantation, "I want a daughter while I'm still young" perhaps drives directly at that identifying characteristic of the hip youth, the inability to commit to any concept of family before reaching the age of forty, a paternal instinct that seems to have been quashed by an unending quest for the continuance of the laid-back responsibility-free ethos of this generation; that of the perpetual party-slacker. The overarching theme is one of lost innocence in this world of child-like adults who can't even maintain their own property, let alone raise a child without realizing how incredibly hot pavement can become in the broad mid-day sun and suggest to move on to the cool, cool grass. They are still screaming, from the pain. From the ineffable pain.

Overall I would rate this song approximately 8.532 out of a possible 10.

Very well said.

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