Lyric discussion by UNsweetT 

My son came to me with his summer reading list for school. One of the books was The Road by Cormac McCarthy. He had to do a project on the choice was a music playlist for the book. He asked for my help in choosing songs because my tastes tend to be rock/indie/alternative and that would fit better than anything else. So I began reading the book to know good songs to suggest. Within the first IDK...15-20 pages, I saw the "There was no sound but the wind.." line. Made me think of this song as a possiblity. I made a mental note. I later listened to the song specifically to listen closely to the lyrics (this was The New Moon version that I had). After reading more of the book....I knew it was TOO much of a coincidence between the song and book. Which is why I researched more about his inspiration for it. One of the other songs we settled on for his project was a cover Editors did of a Talking Heads song "Road to Nowhere"'s accoustic and not upbeat like the original. It's more idk...somber or quiet. Makes me wonder if he was still inspired by The Road novel. I haven't seen the movie...but the book gets under your skin and never leaves you. Other songs we've included for the playlist is Muse-Apocalypse Please, The Dead Weather-Will There Be Enough Water?, The Black Keys-So He Won't Break, & Radiohead-Videotape among a few others. Now he just has to write his paper on the relevance of these songs to the book.

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