Lyric discussion by pyfka 

How do you interpret the video of the song with the christian cross on top of the mountain where the guy dies? This can't be related to suicide. I think that because this is happening in the end of the song it means the way he has travelled to find the true and strongest love which makes him overcome the despair of losing his beloved person and to reject finally the idea of suicide (that's the reason his death comes by itself as the most logical way to end his life when he has achieved everything and is not provoked by him). Besites why do they go back to save their friend? If they were desperate it wouldn't make sense making all this efforts. This demonstrates their strong determination to regain the lost love without which they couldn't live ( and why isn't the man alone when the text is in 1st person? - because they're all struggling for this love and they help each other ). They are together from the beginning as if this is a march which they all need to do. They're not making a collective suicide neither it's about a desperate man wanting to die. It could be just that way only if the cross wasn't there. :)

@pyfka The videos are not diagrams of the songs and often had nothing to do with the subject matter (Du Hast, Keine Lust, Sonne, etc.). Using them to figure out what the song is about is a dead end. If the lyrics don't speak for themselves Till has given many interviews.

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