Lyric discussion by Johnde08 

My personal impression, before reading any of those above, is quite similar to LizardKing's:

"He has gotten to a point where he is able to be less temperamental, calmer, and accepting. I love his little off-handed comments at the end of some of the verses, like when he says "you know, there are a lot of good places to eat." He has a new perspective on the things going on around him, and that allows him to slow down and enjoy what he has."

I agree completely, how this song is about greater maturity, serenity, peace, and acceptance, how any single issue can be addressed from various "positions" (from this position i can see how the decision was reached, etc) and different conclusions can be drawn from those different perspectives.

In a few words: Understanding Peace Acceptance Calm Maturity Self-Acceptance Identity

also, many of these seem to be common themes throughout the album.

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