Lyric discussion by Raven92 

Someone's probably mentioned this before, but I'll add it anyway since it's pure awesomeness:

"When Brian May presented the final demo to Mercury, he had doubts that Mercury would be physically capable of singing the song's highly demanding vocal line, due to the extent of his illness at the time. To May's surprise, when the time came to record the vocals, Mercury consumed a measure of vodka and said "I'll fucking do it, darling!" then proceeded to nail the vocal line in one take without problems."

Freddie was seriously amazing. He managed to live more in 45 years than a lot of people do in twice that. I love this song: it just captures how he lived perfectly.

Also, I think "I'll fucking do it, darling!" is going to be my catchphrase from now on.

@Raven92 Yeah honestly that story will forever be a huge inspiration and motivation too me, from what i know about Freddie and his life style it is the perfect example of how he lived. The story of him saying "I'll fucking do it, darling!" then proceeding to take a shot of vodka before preforming and nailing this in one taking will be a story that i will tell throughout my life

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