Lyric discussion by rollieb 

I love how this song seems to suggest that Tom Gabel is finally out from the weight that being at the forefront of a brutal movement like the crusty punk rock anarchy scene can put you under. I love the opening frames of the video for this song. When that uber catchy riff (and whisper ah ah ah ah vocals) start pumping up and Gabel runs into the frame I just got kind of washed over with this feeling that he's finally free of all that mock-idealism fueled drama that's been nipping at his heals for so long. Against Me! were worshiped for songs like T.S.R and Walking is Still Honest etc (as they should have been) and then when they moved on and made New Wave the got crucified. Listening to this song you can almost hear them saying "you may call us capitalist traitors and sell out pussies but while you were busy gossiping we were making the catchiest music of our lives. That's my song meaning interpretation for you.

As a bonus check them out performing this on Leno ( He calls them "One of the best punk rock bands ever." I hope this song makes them ten million dollars.

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