Lyric discussion by AbsentMinded 

"Tones of Home is somewhat autobiographical. Brad wrote the last verse, I wrote the middle verse, and Shannon wrote the first verse. So the song is sort of about our collective view of leaving our repressed, conservative environments and becoming more aware. My verse was about how I viewed Los Angeles when I first got here. I was so disillusioned. I assumed it was gonna be this Utopian environment with lots of great musicians playing, all wanting to do different things. There would be good music going on, and it wouldn't be hard to find other musicians with similar ideas. Obviously, you have to wade through a lot of slued to find that."

To me this song speaks about wanting to get away from wherever it is that you call home, and moving to another location that you consider to be the land of your dreams. But everywhere it's pretty much the same, there's diverse people no matter where you live you just have to find them and connect with the ones who share the same ideals. And as you get older it's harder to meet new people, where you grew up is where you met the majority of your friends so as much as you might hate home it's better than a new location because of your friends.

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