Lyric discussion by alligatorsinsewers 

I like the use of synths, its new for them i think, and the production is more professional sounding, crisp and tight. You hear it on the group vocals, which usually seemed like live takes before, but at the very end when they sing "wait for it!" there is some heavy processing on the backing vocals, it creates a really fantastic intense sound. Production has always been my niggle with arcade fire, it always sounded like songs were recorded in a living room(some actually were!), but i really prefer this production method more-its less organic maybe, but you get much more nuance, detail. So overall, a magnificent track. Lets hope the whole album is this good.

Yeah i like the synths too, nice and subtle

Meh, I really liked the "living room" sound you speak of. It made everything seem so much more raw and radiant. Their new material, while still good, seems to be a bit tame by comparison which is somewhat humorous when you consider that this entire album's theme is the taming of a generation. How can they sing about "modern kids" with no soul or fire to back up their pretentious facade, and then go and tame and water down their music?

Don't get me wrong, the production values are much better on this album, but I greatly considered their past lack of production values to be a value in itself, and an intentionally crafted one at that. It may sound pretty, but nothing on this album compares to the angry, dirty, and disconcerting vocals of Neighborhood #2 (Laika). IMHO

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