Lyric discussion by neitherboth 

Oh well, only three years after the last post, but here I am now...('here I am now', probably a line Brownie would second?) Ianhow, I've only just read that Ten Storey Love song could possibly be read as Tense Tory love song- in other words, it's a trap baby! As Blake said(says?) , 'the fox blames the trap' Oh come on, there is a definite 'limit' to this love, even a resignation; Oh well I built this thing for you And I love you true

'And I love you true' is the Judas kiss; it would seem he is pleading and not too sure because the 'true' should go without saying... John Squire's little test, where the soaring melodic ballad veils the truth. ie. the devil is singing this song. (He won't take offence, don't worry)- the devil I mean, not JS

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