Lyric discussion by numbereight 

I have seen Ed Sharpe twice live, and both times this performance ignited something inside me that I have never felt thru another song. They all have such an inspiring presence. The words are so straightforward and they have such a simple meaning, but they trigger the deepest feelings of love that we all carry within us that we don't always express. Being "home" wraps all of these feelings into one word for me. We all know what its like to be home, to be safe, to feel protected, to have reciprocated love that just makes me you want to shoot into the sky. When I hear this specific song, I think of everything that has once or currently makes me feel uplifted and high. I cant help but let go and move my body loosely and i just feel so full of bliss... from the second he starts in with that whistling. My head seriously doesnt stop bobbing and my arms dont stop fluttering everytime i dance to this song....aha... umm yeah so I'd definitely say that this song changed the way I listen to music and what I look for in music. There isnt another song that has ever made me so happy. Jade and the other girl in the band dove into the crowd during their performance at Coachella this year at the end of the show with flowers in their hair and every other person in the band was just doing their thang on stage. I loved this song before I saw them live, but the make their music through their performances. If already enjoy their music and if you have the chance to see them, you cannot turn it up... it will complete your life.

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