Lyric discussion by Kizbits 

My interpretation of the song is that he wants a woman that is already seeing someone...

One day they kiss ("It started out with a kiss") this kiss results in him wanting her more & more, From then on he is constantly thinking about the girl he loves is being intimate with someone besides him ("And it's all in my head").

He wishes he could be the guy and starts to get very jealous of the fact that he isn't ("Jealousy, Turning saints into the sea").

When he says "But it's just the price I pay" I believe this relates to the fact he has kissed a girl that he knew he would not be able to have a relationship with in the first place, thus the 'price he pays' is all of the mental images and constant jealousy that he suffers from then on.

In verse 3 & 7 he also says "Let me go"... I believe this is him begging for the mental images and jealousy to go and for him to just forget the whole thing.

If you watch the video, it also become apparent that the girls boyfriend seems to mistreat and use her... Although the song doesn't back this up at any point the relevance of the girl in a strop on her own seems to serve a relevance to the lyrics.

Hope my interpretation was of some use.


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