Lyric discussion by Insaniac 

The person who said this song is a "Randian style objectivist-esque, libertarian defence" is a moron. Please stop listening to Floyd and go listen to Ki$$, I think that band will be more to your liking.

Money is about greed. It is about the addiction we have of money and the insanity greed can bring. That is not to say they are innocent of this, but at the same time they are not positively about money and greed.

PS: Rand was a pseudo philosopher. It is generally known among most philosophers and professors of philosophy that she had a poor understanding of the philosophy she would reference. The is/ought problem for example. Furthermore, the last thing I can see Roger Waters calling himself is an objectivist. He's described himself as socialist, his music clearly illustrates this and he constantly speaks out against imperialist interventions, which Rand supported, such as corporation theft of middle-eastern oil.

in fact I think this song is talking about the evil imperial music industry people that were attacked in Wish You Were Here..

Roger Waters may be described as socialist, but his actions are capitalist.

Roger Waters Net Worth: $310 Million

A socialist would donate all but $5 million to charity (or the State).

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