Lyric discussion by reytomas 

I like your ideas neah. I tend, rightly or wrongly, to look at things with a longer lens and I see this more as immediate aftermath of the apocalypse. After "The Day After" in the 80s, we grew up believing not was the apocalypse possible, it was probably around the corner. When it comes, we aren't caught by surprise. i don't know that I would be bored with it, but this could be the logical conclusion of realized expectation. I suppose in some respects that anarchy that follows the apocalypse could be liberating. Maybe it's a mixed bag.

The lyrics about wanting a girl to show the beauty of the earth before it is spoiled is haunting. In my interpretation, having a child would be the most selfish act on could perform. How could someone conceive child knowing that the end was nigh? I've had two boys, deliberately and selfishly, with these thoughts in mind.

Obviously, I know that Arcade Fire didn't have the oil flow in the Gulf of Mexico in mind when they wrote this, but this is all I hear when I listen to this song. This is one of the most haunting songs I've heard in a while and it brings tears to my eyes at every listen. I melt when the horns finally make their appearance on the stage at the end. We're still screaming.


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