Lyric discussion by epicmikenomore 

Wow if you guy's became vegan because of a song you're easily influenced. You're no worse than the German people falling for Nazi propaganda

How can you compare showing compassion to animals and trying to stop the suffering of them to Germans who killed Jews? That is quite possibly the most ridiculous comment I have ever read! The reason why most people like the people above and me included have been so influenced by these songs are because we have been force fed lies from the generations before us that we need meat and diary in our diet to survive and be healthy. The fact we have had our eyes opened and been open minded to the possibility of a animal free diet shows...

Logically speaking, Mother Teresa was also "no worse" than Germans falling for Nazism. What you likely mean to say is "no better than ...". Example: Your writing is "no worse" than the typical shit people post on the Internet, and your opinion is "no better". We care a lot!

Golly, you don't even know these people. You don't know how much thought they put into changing their lifestyle. This song could have just brought the issue to their attention, and they could have done a lot of thinking about it. You didn't even bother to ask them, either! AND you really think the Germans were just tricked into murdering millions of people? I'm sure a lot of those people didn't even know what was happening until it was too late. And once they did know and did have the balls to protest it, they were shipped off with the Jews...

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