Lyric discussion by nishgriff 

This song is an anti-war song. Toby Keith, the country music star, was given the Johnny Michael Spann award after writing "Courtesy of the Red White and Blue". Mike Spann was the first US casualty in Afghanistan, a US Marine Captain who was killed in a riot in Mazar-e-Shariff while performing interrogation duties for the CIA.

He was killed by a mob of prisoners after shooting them 'until his bullets ran out' and he was overcome by the mob.

I believe this song is an expression of outspoken anger at all of us as Americans allowing this war to start. Here we are acting like pigs in the slop line, taking the scraps of offal that this civilization allows us. Some of us, like Toby Keith, take it as a celebration that we've slipped through a crack and survived and evolved into humanity. But others, like TLA (and me) take it as if we are surrounded by sloth and devastation that allows such horror to occur while the soft fat white underbelly of america cheers it on painting everything in red white and blue.

And the real horror of it is that in a war like this, men like Mike Spann give their lives and die horrible deaths fighting for something they believe in. While Toby Keith's horses and men cheer it on, He has died as the mulch and kindling that accrue. He's a real man who suffered and died and left a family behind to fight a sickening war.

The imagery in the song is about livestock, cattle scratching to get the offal of the slopline, getting fat eating this trash, then dying inglorious deaths.

Where's the evolution? Have we evolved beyond being these cattle? Can we as a species recover and take the title of human back? Have we regressed so far that we are no longer human?

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