Lyric discussion by JohnDoeHoe22 

Also the key to this song, is the repeating word "Pretend" And the outcome is pretending won't bring you any success, because wishing and hoping won't get you anything unless you get up and go for it.

They're saying ultimately you are in control of who you are and what you become, if you work hard you will get good things in life. They're saying don't just wish on stars and look for something to fall on your lap. Keep your head out of the clouds mostly and stay focused.

Ultimately you are who you are and no matter what you've come from it's sometimes what gives you the extra edge and not something that will stop you from reaching your goals if you work hard.

"And there was no one he could even aim when he�s pissed with And his alarm went off to wake him but he did�nt make it to the rap Olympics Left to his plane and he missed it He�s gonna have a hard time explaining to Haley and Laney these food stamps and WIC shit Cause he never risked shit he hoped and he wished it But it didn�t fall in his lap so he ain�t even hear it he pretends that"

If you don't try your hardest, then you have no one to blame but yourself. Imagine having to explain to two young daughters of yours why they're so poor and the reason being that he was lazy and didn't want to work his hardest. Well he doesn't have to explain that.. This is such a real song and I wish it was a song I heard in my younger years.

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