Lyric discussion by Doc Strange 

according to an interview with Gareth up on Pitchfork Media: "It stems from how me and my pals from school always used to say that if everything went wrong when we finished university, we'd all move to Malta, which is a very poor footballing nation. We'd live there for five years to claim Maltese citizenship and then we would play for the Maltese international football team. So that song is about how myself and a girlfriend move to Malta and I become a Maltese soccer hero, the King of Malta, and my dearest wife has her face being printed on all the Maltese currency and becomes queen. This song isn't quite as autobiographical as some of the others because, sadly, this is something that's never occurred. Perhaps it's because I've set myself up for that scenario that I constantly seem so skeptical about relationships-- because I don't think anything could live up to that. But if it wasn't for my Plan A, then I wouldn't be doing Plan B right now, and Plan B's all right."

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