Lyric discussion by ShIzNiT1707 

"who keep the tank topped? who reaps the good sleep, keeps the receipts?" Refers to the government, of course. "Keeping the tank topped" is actually talking about military tanks. The other two pieces are straightforward.

"I seem em sucking up the last drops drop the H2 stretch H3" I agree, it's about the oil obsession.

"hotter days on the way, turn your A.C. Slater up (Burn) aloe vera green, apple Now and Later yup pass that (sweet)" Referencing two major problems in the world today, deforestation and global warming. I think that he's talking about how we're drawn away from what we should care about by the goverment (i.e. candy).

"we need a blind eye turned; keep em simple, refined" To turn a blind eye away means to me that it's dead in our faces but we don't know it's there, and are drawn away from it by other things (the media, etc.) to keep us occupied.

"there aint been good oil in Texas for a minute thats why we knocked over our own thrones then watched it combust, end up in free speech zones - that shock and awe was on us" I think this is going back to the Alamo. We took Texas from Mexico and added it to the U.S., which is, of course, a "free speech zone".

"watch me expat Brazillian if 85% of Guantanamo is civilian" "Expat" = expatriate: to expel from a country. Guantanamo is a massive, high-security prison.

"but smoking on Kush makes cats so apathetic cant beat em with a bat, so we join em and spit the ethic" (or) we beat em with a bat (yeah)" Apathy is a state of indifference. This quote refers to the old saying "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em." Because we can't get rid of the druggies, many of us "join 'em" and take up drugs ourselves. It seems like he's against drug use because of the last line of the quote.

the oval office and the lobby prolly listen to Fugazi singin this ones ours, let's take another this ones ours, let's take another this ones ours, let's take another Then they dance away clean like Savion Glover" The line from Fugazi has already been explained. This one's about governmental greed, pretty straightforward. Savion Glover is a world-class dancer and choreographer.

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