Lyric discussion by xsn13 

I rode back home from college with 3 very close friends, driving through the fields on that familiar path home, the windows down and the wind rushing through the car, blasting this song, our hair flying. It was one of the most incredible moments of my life, it encompassed everything I was feeling in that moment.

First, the buildup makes you think of things all starting-- to me, the excitement of an adventure, sharing the song and moment with friends, thinking of all the rest of the beautiful moments we would have together. And nostalgic, going home for the first time in so long, so weird to be going back to a life we used to live, the houses we grew up in, our parents, our dogs, our streets with the kids playing, feeling so profoundly different from the person you were when this was your life.

This song is about being stuck between then and now. Who are you, really, in this moment? What can you know, more than what you feel? "A moment, a love, A dream aloud,A kiss, a cry, Our rights, our wrongs" << all the little things that give life meaning, feeling alive when the emotions that accompany these things rush over you. Just feeling so alive.

okay sooo like i love this site but i never signed up for it until i read your comment...

and here's why....

that's so awesome! great song for sure.. i wonder how many people in the world have driven to this song and got this feeling

@xsn13 aagree

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