Lyric discussion by christianpooper 

It sounds like Fat Mike preachin atheism again. I will pay to go to his next "sermon" next time he is in town though. Sucks when you are a Christian and athiests preach at you all the time. If God had blessed me with a good voice like Mike I might be rich and get some great somgs but then randomly preach God music to him. But then again he is a Jew on drugs and wouldn't listen or care. I should sing Jews for Jesus.

Greg Graffin from Bad religion does it with better class I think.

What happened to down with goverment punk???? Punks are the new hippies and I brains feel disgust.

You are a good Christian... That's what Punk is about, being anti-Religion, anti-stupidity, saying your opinion, offending people ... Saying he's preaching atheism, what the fuck. He criticizes the ignorance and dangers of religion, the stupidity of their followers. You might think the aversion or deep hate against Christianity of some atheists is wrong but your life has not been destroyed by atheism. The next time you thank God, think about the 40 thousand children who are starving to death every day, what a benevolent God!

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