Lyric discussion by woodyfromamarillo 

Well, according to what he said on his last Letterman visit, Warren didn't actually know that he was dying when he recorded "My Ride's Here," but that something was telling him that things weren't right. After Dave asked about this, and mentioned the title "My Ride's Here," Warren said "Hello!"

Also, to me, some of the story just seems to be he's telling it straight, with no intention of hidden meanings implied. Obviously, he's staying at some hotels, and the Marriot is just the Marriot. I Googled "mazuma;" it's money, but also it's one of the two main types of wasabi. I think Warren, Jesus, and John Wayne (who Jesus called by his Christian name, Marion) were in the Marriot bar, and Warren was ordering sushi.

@woodyfromamarillo that’s the best thing about Zevons lyrics — all great lyrics — it can be all of the above

@woodyfromamarillo that’s the best thing about Zevons lyrics — all great lyrics — it can be all of the above

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