Lyric discussion by scapegoatmilk 

I deliberately didn't read any posts before me so this would be a completely honest interpretation. I think what he's saying is that all forms of life are basically the same. When he dies he will become a "Non-animal" just as all other life will become. "See a sea anemone the enemy" Is saying that there really is no enemy, just the ones that we humans create for ourselves or each other. Most of this song is Andrew Bird using language beautifully and artistically to illustrate a fairly simple point. I think most of his songs are like that. The verse that is "Hold on just a second" etc. Is illustrating an urge for a concrete feeling that is exclusively human. (That may be why it is in an unorthodox time signature). It is only us humans that feel emotions that we want to hang on to and look back on. But then he goes back to the (I will become this, etc.) A Non-animal.

Oh, and also the amazing double meaning of the song title A non-animal and Anon animal (as in anonymous). Brilliant.

hm, i think i love you.

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