Lyric discussion by sheselectric 

i love the feminism references she makes. i think this song has a lot to say about waiting for somebody that's worth it, as opposed to flaunting and selling any and every ounce of sexuality you have in you just to get some attention from a false love.

i think a lot of females settle for less because they are afraid that they won't find the "perfect one". when she talks to "heather" about forever, i think she's saying that when you are looking for love you can't be worried about things like that, because in the end you never know, and it's all kind of a game of chance that everyone has to play.

i love the last part of the song where she talks about the desperation that girls go through to find love wherever they can being "pathetic" and "impossible", and much like girls in stilettos, who are painfully and desperately trying.

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