Lyric discussion by CatHadMyTongue 

9. Loving this song! Saw it on here yesterday. New to me. The only part I don't agree with is how "life is so cruel". I disagree. I think people can be cruel, but life is what you make it.

The part about suffering for a person I never would have understood had I not met my old friend Scotty. I have never suffered for a person 'til him. I think he suffered a lot for me too. But NOBODY suffered more than his wife. She has put up with more than any woman should have to deal with because he is gay. How do come to terms with that? That is true suffering. And then if he decided after years of being gay (and putting her through hell) that he was in love with a woman! Well shit! That's brutal. So they needed to make me suffer more (than I did in real life) and that is fine.

But my partner would never want anyone to suffer. Not even me. He felt shitty about the fact that I had honkin feelings for this man, but he didn't doubt that I still loved him. He just said WHATEVER. Do what you need to do to get over it. He said -you are the loser who fell in love with a gay sociopath. Figure it out. He didn't say "Let's GET EM!"

And I have always gotten everything I have ever wanted in life. Always. Spoiled you say? Nah. Just been lucky and thankful, too. But I didn't "get" my old friend (the gay sociopath) and it was the truest suffering I've ever experienced.

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