Lyric discussion by rustedshut 

I agree to an extent about the idea of the song referencing an Evangelist of some sort but I think it's more streamlined than that. I think the song is actually about God, as is somewhat solidified in the lines 'master arithmeticness' and 'I cause eclipses with a wave of the hand.' 'Master arithmeticness' could be a reference to the perception of God in esoteric circles (architect or geometrician of the universe) and certainly only a god of some sort would possess the power to cause an eclipse. The song, like many religious tales that reference God (like the Bible) is not meant to be taken literally but rather I think alludes to the idea that a blind belief and faith in 'God' without regard for one's own individual actions is dangerous because it breeds the idea of 'I'm saved so what I do here on Earth doesn't matter.' The song seems like an ironic analogy of God 'hustling' mankind into acting with blind faith in his/her name, be it evangelists, or anyone who acts in the name of God, like in war or political arenas but failing to ponder and question whether or not those actions are compassionate or beneficial to humankind. God always gets away with the 'hustle' because of the unquestioned reverence he/she receives from so many sectors of society worldwide. I mean, it's God after all and so it rides on and gets done again.

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