Lyric discussion by OLIVIAAA17 

my interpretation of this song seems completely different to everyone elses.

my thought was that the song was about two people who felt very strongly towards each other, but either one or both of them were already in relationships. they couldn't finish it and didn't want to cheat, so the only way they could be strongly passionate with each other was to beat each other up. they burnt the bed to remove the temptation to do anything else on it. the whole "a kiss with a fist is better than none" refers to the fact they can't kiss each other properly, but by hitting each other, they're at least gaining some physical contact that no-one can deem as morally wrong in the sense of cheating. so i guess in a way it's sadomasochistic, but it's just a song about making the best of a situation (break the lock if it don't fit). i also thought the "slaps don't stick, your kicks don't hit" bit was demonstrating that they didn't feel any pain out of what they were doing. and the "so we remain the same" bit was referring to how they had not technically cheated and became bad people. also, the chorus comprises of two people taking it in turns to assualt each other, which i think is like them creating their own version of a "give-and-take" relationship.

i know the song is provoking because people get angry about songs that might condone domestic violence (quite rightly) but i think the variety of interpretations demonstrates what a great song it is. one of my all time favourites :)

interesting intrepretaion... sounds like wat my bf would say teehee.

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