Lyric discussion by mitcha7xfan4life 

<<<<< This song is beautiful and a FUCKING MASTERPIECE. >>>>>>

it tugs your heart strings thats for sure and especially now that the Rev has tragically left us.

That Fuckn Sux Fuckn ASS, he was an extreeeeemley talented artist and it will be hard to recover from.

Some people just dont get it do they, A7X are so smart and incredibly talented at creating and playing music, some people just cant grasp it. Its like beautiful poetry and like any great poetry past and/or present, not everyone gets it and some think they get it but are way off base. I mean there are poetry classes and literature classes for this shit and most may not seem to make sense to everyone but the writers knew damn well what they were writing and the message they were trying to get across. And these guys truly create and play music from their hearts, so you must also listen with yours. So dont beat yourself up about it, but if you're one of those types who talk shit about these guys (A7X that is - fuck sorry not putting down poetry but excluding it for this) just because they dont understand what their listening to:

       SHUT THE FUCK UP !!!!

These guys are extremely devoted to their music and fan base, and pour their hearts into their music they make for us and we love and appreciate them for that, so if you dont like it shut the fuck up and change the channel.

To all of the real A7X fans out there, keep on supporting these guys, they need our support right now more than ever with the recent loss of their brother Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan. So go the FUCK out there and tell everyone that you know and even dont know about their new CD coming out which is going to be attributed in honor of Jimmy. Tell all and lets make this mutherfucker go platinum so quick that it makes the world spin faster. R.I.P. Jimmy “The Rev” Sullivan You will be missed by so many and forgotten by so few.

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