Lyric discussion by twollamalove 

Allow me to gush. If you desire interpretation read no further.

I love to relate to song writers. This song is full of imagery that's important to me.

  • I'm a bridge burner historically.
  • I get angry enough to break things (especially in romance).
  • The truth about bridge burning is it requires time to pass before you can repair them. Ours is a life of forgiveness and reconciliation, for all people.
  • you can't choose who you love.
  • you can't choose who you love. (did I say that alreayd? let me say it again)

this is a story about loving and learning. you can't just pass the pain along. and sometimes you say "you know nothing can happen". this takes us all a few tries to figure this stuff out.

And this:

this is a story of loaded glances and leaning in too far this is a story of vague advances and confessions in smoky bars

this verse is so amazing

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