Lyric discussion by UNsweetT 

This is one of my favorite songs by this band. I really connect to it. It's just my take on it but I think it's about your mind wandering during the most boring or random of moments. It reminds me of my own life. I am part-time housewife/part-time mural I have alot of alone time and I like that but I find that I live in my own head alot. Frequently, when I am alone,usually doing mundane chores...especially these quieter chores such as laundry or driving in the car to run errands with music playing (that's my favorite place to really enjoy experiencing music) mind will drift to something random or a memory from the past. Or I find myself daydreaming...and often it makes me feel nostalgic, melencholy or even thinking on a very deep level about life and death. When things are hectic and so don't have time to slow down and think like that... but in those moments when you do slow down on some simple physical task and your mind is free to think...those type of thoughts tend to sneak up on you and catch you off guard and it can sometimes even rattle you a bit. But that's just my take on it. I really love this song...

I really enjoyed reading your perspective on this, well done :-)

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