Lyric discussion by CoolUniqueAwesomeUsername 

Not to dissapoint the stoners, but the muppets probably wouldn't be sing a song that harry nilsson wrote about a bong he made out of a coconut. The man was a great enough songwriter to imply more than one meaning, so maybe this could be implied too. But I think there is a genuinely wholesome meaning behind it.

A good friend of me that, when he was a kid, he would get sick. And his father would go to say goodnight and he'd sing this song. It seems to be one of his favorite memories. It always made him smile, no matter how he felt.

I think his father had it right. It isn't about making sense. It's just about feeling better. That's why it gets so silly. At least that's what I think. That's why I'm going to try to help Hanji123 get out of the hole on those stupid little ratings. No reason to be negative toward someone who seems to see something positive.

Just like how Pee Wee Herman would never dance to a song about tequila on his show?

A fun drinking song.

@CoolUniqueAwesomeUsername I hate to be the one to burst your bubble, but remember the Mahna Mahna song by the muppets? They got that from Benny Hill who got that from a Swedish soft core porn movie. "Svezia: Inferno e Paradiso" or "Sweden: Heaven and Hell". So I don't think they'd have a hard time doing something like a drug song.

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