Lyric discussion by Buffanda 

Let me address this to whoever is guilty of this, you can’t tell others to go listen to “real music” everyone has their own opinions and taste in music, you don’t have to like Britney Spears that’s your opinion but its pointless to put down other musicians music and denounce it as music just because you don’t like it. You can state your dislike on a song if you want but it really annoys me when people say a particular genre isn’t “real music”, or a artist doesn’t make “real music” weather I like it or not.

Now on to the comment, I like Britney I always have and this song is pure fun it just makes me want to get up and dance. Sometimes you shouldn’t over analyze music just listen and enjoy, its not meant to have a deep meaning its about fun.

True true... what's one person's trash is another person's treauser :) hahah what is "real music" anyways right??? personally if i could hear the music than it's real, cause if it wasn't real it wouldn't have been made hahahah I hope that makes sense hahah

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