Lyric discussion by Worldslayer608 

AVA is very good at using powerful lyrical descriptions with soundscaping to bring you into the music.

What I draw from this song is essentially the feeling of love. When you know you are in love everything kind of hits you from so many angles. You cannot have love without tribulation nor without a sense of transcendence. The two are pretty polar and it can cause you to question if it is real or not. When things are going bad you tend to question their feelings for you, and when they are going good you start to question if you are just imagining that something can be so right.

That is what I get from the song. AVA tends to write from a viewpoint that can encompass so many different situations which is what makes them so amazing, they write things that pretty much anyone can relate to and compare to their life in some shape or form.

I am stoked for the new album, and I will definitely be buying the physical album when it is released. I think it is cool they are doing the 10-Track free.

I wonder if this album is a continuation of the other two. We have the rebirth, then the progression after rebirth and now the third ablum.

Very insightful, thanks.

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