Lyric discussion by FreeJigsawEarth 

i like that wording "the pomposity of man". i had this song in mind during a debate in my high school environmental science class last year. someone on the "go ahead and keep on choppin' on" side said "survival of the fittest". i said "oh, well in that case the exsistence of trees has far outlasted amd will always have outlasted whatever the length of the exsistence of mankind ends up being. they even live longer naturally than humans do, and no body's cutting us down, cept other humans sometimes. We're fit, we're not fit for apocolypse. On that note, this songs a little unsettling at times. We are as life forms as insignificant or significant as dinosaurs, and other extinct creatures. Eventually some kind of being i can't even begin to comprehend in my wildest dreams, nightmares, or trips is gonna be digging up the bones of my kind and bein like "what the fuck is that, i needa keep diggin and find some answers." only difference is itll be a little more organized. maybe not in comoparison to what organization would mean to them. we my be entirely inferior. maybe not. maybe we're more significant cause we might actually fuck this up so bad there isn't a planet for anything after us. subconsciously selfish. more pomposity. "blah blah I blah blah I blah ME. MINE. Blah blah. Needa print money, people want to make money, needa build more homes people wanna have more babies than they can physically or economically, or at least properly raise." but the human dream doesn't mean shit to a tree.

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