Lyric discussion by XphysicsXangelX 

I think that the white houses are symbolizing the dreams and plans they once had. They had these perfect dreams and visions, surrounded by their innocence. When she makes reference to the white houses:

'But I hold on to your secrets in white houses' Perhaps she's saying that when they were young and had all these dreams and stuff, they told eachtoher secrets and those secrets stayed locked in that time; even when they grew apart or broke up or whatever, they remained secrets. Perhaps, it also means that they lived that time with a lot of secrets; from eachother, from their families, etc. all in search of being their own person and what not.

'Love, or something ignites in my veins And I pray it never fades, in white houses' She's saying that when she looks back on it all, she never wants to forgot those feelings; she wants to remember what that 'love' felt like at the time. She's also saying that she sort of wants to leave it in her past, along with the hopes, dreams, etc. (represented by the houses), but not forget. She wants to remember everything as being happy and light and young.

'In my heart is the five of us In white houses' Again suggesting that she's always going to think of her friends and they way they felt about eachtoerh whenever she calls upon those innocent memories. Shes always going to remember those those dreams and associate her friends with that time period, with that bit of youthfulness.

'And you, maybe you'll remember me What I gave is yours to keep In white houses In white houses In white houses ' She's hoping that her lover or friends don't forget about her. That they too will treasure the memories and remember how great being young was; all the fun times they shared; the memories they made, the mistakes they made, they stuff they learnt, etc, etc. Giving up herself or perhaps her love for her friends, she really meant it; she doesnt regret it. It's theirs forever.

So perhaps the white houses just symbolizes that time era where all this stuff happeened. They werea ll innocent, young and naive.And she doesnt have any regrets and wants to remember it all. Forever. For her, all this stuff happened 'in white houses', in her innocene period, in her dreams and hopes and fears. And thats how she'll rememebr it. She just hopes the others remember it like that too and are happy.


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