Lyric discussion by optimaljive 

A song to melt on sweetly :P To me the key for this song is set by the musical pitch : when the soft low keyed pipe organ( which could have as well been an accordion ) gets in on a mellow linear soft tone then shifts down to an even more lower key , it rests there for a few seconds, the time it takes for one to feel and get into the emotion carrying the whole song. Without being entirely/strictly sad , the feeling is about to be set down , it kind of says '' can't get much lower than that '' , so it softly gets up a bit (on a B minor ) and then the vocals confirm it as the voice gets in with the first lines '' trace a line, down my arm ,trace a line down...'' . The song then simply flows like a gentle sweet little river brought from a delicious tempo on which two main chords are carrying us , one minor / one major , tuned on the light mixture of the clear bitter/sweet feeling ( or potentially beyond this ) being expressed .

In short , If you don't feel like literally melting when listening to this song, chances are you still have to realize your inner softness ; This essential yet hard to explain human-related self-improvement will hopefully for you happen one day , or even better ; in the Light of a Night .

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