Lyric discussion by WhisperT0aScream 

You guys all have amazing points, and it made me think of the song differently. As well as I may think even Lacey would very much agree with you, my own personal opinion is different. We all connect with artists on levels only we know and only we, individually, can understand. I have connected with Lacey on the level of darkness, because that is what I see in her and her songs. Darkness, and recovery. And I think that's what this song is about.

"It's like being in love/ You rob your own mind/ And defile your bed/ You ignore the fight of the players who both end up dead/ And you pretend for us and you pretend for them/ This fairytale will make them jealous of you."

That does sound like a sexual reference. But the term "and for the first time, your right arm becomes useful/ as you sin with it, you want to cut it off/ but instead you thank God for all of the wrong you do." That part got me to think. I myself am a cutter, and I've picked up on MANY things in Flyleaf songs to hint that Lacey is/was a cutter too. I think maybe only cutters could understand this, but, when you have a secret so dark like that, you literally fall in love with it. I think, at least in my opinion, it's about just that. Falling in love with the dark secret. She wants to cut off her right arm because of how she sins, how God wouldn't want her to cut, but she ends up cutting and thanking God for an outlet, something that she loves as much as taking a blade to her wrist. It's a strong kind of love, one you can't help, like loving a human being. That's what I take from it.

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