Lyric discussion by UnreasonableRachelle 

To begin with, this is a fantastic song, I really love it ! He could be talking about how his life is for being in a band. He has to tour all the time. He girlfriend or wife lives and works at home while he is away. When the time stretches and gets longer, it's harder for him to be without her. He has a great sense of adventure as it says in the song, so he relies on that to keep him going until he gets back with the one he loves. He's talking about all of the beautiful things he's seen as he travels, but the most beautiful thing in his eyes is his wife/girlfriend that he can't wait to see and be with again. I think he's telling her this while they are making love again at last. "Capture your eyes as I explore your thighs and try to explain what's going on inside my head" and "Perfect and smooth as my hand navigating your chest". He says when he get's home, he's up to do anything with her. Whatever she brings up, he will do it with her. He won't feel like he's home until he's back in his city.

It's a wonderful song, truly. I wish more people knew about it. This is the second comment and I'm sure it's been around for a long time..

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