Lyric discussion by kmof64 

Nefresh, I totally agree with your calling this song "so, so incredible." This is one of my favorite songs by Case...on par with "Furnace Room Lullaby," "Hold on, Hold on," "Maybe Sparrow," and "People Got a Lot of Nerve."

I agree with the general direction of this thread, but I think there's also another important facet of the song, which is that "pretty girls" should not allow themselves (both body and soul, so to speak) to be defined by parties so remote as religious pundits or the military/industrial/entertainment complex, which of course are the real "wolves" that shouldn't get in. Cultural systems like the media industry or the religion industry are such massive entities that they inevitably reduce people to slogans or ideological chess pieces.

That line about the wolves, by the way, seems especially brilliant if we consider the warning in the New Testament in which Christ warns of hypocrites who appear as lambs, but are inwardly ravenous wolves (that's a paraphrase, of course). Christians who are really trying to live as Christ taught should, of course, be very tolorant of others and compassionate towards them, which is unfortunately exactly what we don't see in much of religious culture.

Something I take away from Case's music is a profound sense of humanitianism, similar to other artists like Joni Mitchell, Billie Holliday, John Lennon (in his best moments), or Peter Gabriel.

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