Lyric discussion by maybebaby87 

I feel like I can really relate to this song at the moment. Was in a relationship, but due to several factors, we decided it was best to 'just be friends.' deep down, i don't think either of us are content with this circumstance, but neither of us are willing to speak up and try to make it work. it's become more of a game to see who can make the other more some twisted attempt to see if the other still cares. he hurt me, so i try to think of things that will hurt bringing another guy to an event. i hurt him, so he always brings up other girls to try and get a reaction out of me. i try to play it cool, but it still hurts like hell. and i can see how it affects him too. its obvious we both still care, but until someone speaks up and puts his/her heart on the line...we'll continue to play this game that makes no sense at all. we're hurting each other needlessly and no one will win this. heartbreak warfare.

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