Lyric discussion by nervousfeet 

I really like this song, it has such a dark, mysterious sound to it... somehow it seems to evoke the emotion/setting of being at a shipyard at night (at least in my opinion). but it definitely is about his sins (as he clearly keeps saying it), and more over his past. the first verse, I take is about when he lost his virginity... but he does it in such a poetic, non-raunchy way... but he also doesn't describe the incident as a coming of age, but rather the decent into a relatively sinful lifestyle... the second verse he's talking about hanging out with the wrong crowd, in the wrong places (needs a switchblade 'just in case')... sleeping in the rain, and ultimately being scared "the fear that made me old," those experiences "aged" him beyond his 17 years. at the end, i'm imagining "Maria" would be Hollie (his wife)... and he looks back at those moments with regret, "if you'da known me when..." but it comes together so well, simply with the line "listen, baby, i know you now." now is all that matters, its so beautiful and what real love should be about... then "your first sin is the lie you told yourself" ...i think she (Maria/Hollie) is telling him, the only thing you've done wrong is telling yourself you've done so many bad things. It's beautiful, to me, how this song comes together and turns around...

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