Lyric discussion by PaulCTID 

Soldem have I read so much misguided Americam claptrap. Please do some research and engage brain before you open mouth Teresa. European Paganism is akin to the modern “green” movement believeing in “living at one with the planet” and “being part of the planet and living through the planet”. Satan/Lucifer/Devil are inventions of the Judao-Christian church belief systems.

The spirit of “paganism” was mispresented by “Hollywood” and now halfwits like you think it is real. Satanism did not really exist until the 1960’s. Yes 1960’s, whereas Paganism is 10,000 years old at least.

"Christmas Eve, is A MAIN CELEBRATION DAY FOR BOTH WITCHES AND DIRECT SATANISTS” — If by Witches you mean - Pagans, then again this in incorrect. Christmas again is a Judao-Christian invention, the clue is in the name. The Pagan Winter Solstice is generally 21 or 22 December. It merely represents the end of the winter and the beginning of spring and the regrowth of the planet to full abundance.

Freedom of speech is a gift use it wisely.

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