Lyric discussion by jc37 

This song borrows many ideas from the Gnostic belief system and existential philosophy. Jared said the idea from the song was taken from a book in their studio which could easily have contained these Ideas. Gnosticism believes that an imperfect god created the world, and all things in it, and nothing is perfect because it was created by an imperfect god. Nietzsche wrote a parable about the death of God in his "Gay Science" which is used to show how people no longer look to God for their assertion of right and wrong and now moral right and wrong is decided by each person through their actions.

The first verse, "Into the night Desperate and Broken..." shows people coming into this time where God is no longer there to help them make their choices and fights have broken out by people disagreeing over what makes something morally right, and religion plays a big part in this fight as it makes note of "Father has spoken."

The Chorus then is about how the age of religion has risen and fallen. With the prophesises of the Kings and Queens over people are only phantoms of what they were created to be and who they were during this age of religion. "Maybe the children of a lesser god" shows how people are imperfect and must make their own decisions without relying on God. "Between Heaven and Hell" says that people live on Earth and rule this realm for themselves.

"Into your lives hopeless and taken..." is about how people will no longer be held captive under the yoke of religion and break free to accomplish their dreams by making their own decisions.

"The age of Man is over..." follows Nietzsche's idea of the ubermensch, which means overman, about how after the death of God and ultimate morality people will have to progress into a people who make their own morality. People will no longer be human beings, mankind, but a greater being by asserting their own morality.

"We are the Kings, We are the Queens..." then asserts our place of prominence in this new age of being greater beings.

Please comment. I would love to hear what you have to say on my interpretation.

ohh, well i don't know. I really have no idea of what you're talking about but the way you explain it makes it have a LOTTT of sence. I think is an option, because is very known that Jared reads a lot and is always trying to send messages about books or theories of life, so who knows. It does make a lot of sence, but i don't think they would have made such a big deal for a song with this meaning, it very possible that you're right; but i preffer to think that it is as said before,...

u got it right on point...i believe Jared was influenced by the existential nihilism literature. its so dark, we can only create our own morals..

I also have been thinking that Leto's lyrics reference an end to this age of humanity. He seems to be operating with a lot of passion, as if he is on a mission. Not sure of his mission, tho. I guess we all connect with him where his message is in sync with our own personal beliefs. I know he grew up with a very progressive mother and lived in hippie communes in his youth. To me, he is an optimistic leader ~ trying to create an army of youth and empowering them to move forward with purpose in...

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