Lyric discussion by OllyCrisson 

To make it as religious as possible which is what it seems to be:

the night before Israel was supposed to enter the Promised Land that their Father told them was theirs to take, they sent spies to check it out, but they came back fearing that the people of the land would destroy them and not trusting God's word. We were shadows of what we were meant to be as the image bearers of God and became children of wrath [or Satan] through our disobedience. I have no clue about the middle verse but the last hints to an afterlife in which we will know the reason for our existence. That is what we are all after, right?

We are the kings and queens of a new promise through Jesus Christ our Lord

I don't know, although I applaud any deduction of reasoning to find meaning in words. So, I like the afterlife thought, but I think it's a stretch.

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