Lyric discussion by kgbrou 

get ready for my in depth analysis.

"Young and full of running. Tell me where's that taking me? Just a great figure 8 or a tiny infinity" -I think this is talking about when we're young and just have everything ahead of us... and we can just keep on running through life and time but we don't know where it's taking us and we just keep running in a figure 8 forever, for infinity.

"Love is really nothing, But a dream that keeps waking me. For all of my trying, You still end up dying. How can it be?" -This is just talking about dreaming of finding love but how he hasn't yet and he keeps waking up from these dreams of love (ending relationships) but no matter how hard you try, the love dies...

"Don't say a word, just come over and lie here with me. 'Cause I'm just about to set fire to everything I see. I want you so bad I'll go back on the things I believe. There I just said it, I'm scared you'll forget about me" -In the midst of these failing dreams of love, you still feel the need for that person. It doesn't matter how wrong it is you just want them to come over and lay with you because you're so angry/hurt/upset you just hate everything and only that person will make it better because you just want them back. You want them so bad it doesn't matter how wrong it may be to you or everyone else, you'll go back on it, you'll compromise your beliefs for that one time... and it all boils down to just being scared to be alone and be forgotten about when you've had someone for so long.

"So young and full of running, all the way to the edge of desire. Steady my breathing, silently screaming, "I have to have you now." Wired and I'm tired. Think I'll sleep in my clothes on the floor. Maybe this mattress will spin on its axis and find me on yours..." -This is talking about how bad you want that person physically. We're young and running all the way to the edge of desire... the desire for physical love... and we keep skirting the edge more and more throughout our relationships, wanting and needing it more and more. There comes a moment, when you're with someone, that you have to control your want or desire even though your insides are screaming at you to make love. I think this is also told in the retrospective thought of after a relationship being over, and laying in bed alone and still feeling that need that you had at the beginning before you had each other. Because of this, there are nights where you're so tired yet so awake b/c you need that person that you just feel like sleeping on the floor b/c you don't want to feel alone in the bed. and you just wish that the mattress could "spin on its axis" and plop you right down in bed with the person you want to be with...

-all in all i think the song is about missing the person you loved/still love in a relationship that you know is wrong. it doesn't really matter knowing it's wrong if you still feel it and you still want it and still need it mentally, physically, and emotionally. You're sick of waiting for that love that you dream about, and even though you know it's wrong, you just want the happiness you had in your previous relationship back, even if it goes against some of the things you believe.

i think this song is a BEAUTIFUL song. and a song most anyone who's been in love can relate to. it's my personal favorite on this new album.

bravo! perfect interpretation

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