Lyric discussion by SkittlesMcMuffindick 

It's based on a monologue from the movie. At least the first 4 lines of the song are.

The original German:

And the English translation:

yeah, would have to say the lyrics do use the monologue from Wings of Desire (great film by the way)

at least if you are going to "appropriate", you could d worse. Bottom line, i would expect that some kind of acknowledgement be given somewhere by Dirty Projectors.

nice groove tho...

I agree that the composer should have credited the screenwriter from Wings of Desire. It used to be said "Mediocre artist borrow, great artists steal," but it's gotten out of hand. If no one creates anything new, what will be the inspiration for future generations?

Still, only moderately disappointed, because it's such a wonderful song.

I don't think there's any need to be disappointed. I see the song as an homage to a beautiful film. "Wings of Desire" is quoting Peter Handke's poem, anyway. The poem inspired the film, the film inspired this magnificent song. It's neither stealing nor borrowing - it is just a reference. Listeners who've seen the film will recognize the reference immediately and it adds to one's appreciation of the song.

And it is a damn fine song, whether you get the reference or not!

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