Lyric discussion by AmericanAquariumDrinker 

This song is like a quick snapshot into adolescence, especially going to see bands that may or may not have been making good music, but you and your friends worship these bands nonetheless. The music could be mediocre, but the way you liked the music then, the way it was being played then, the way you were dancing then, are all very dear memories that may have been "air-brushed" over time to be made out as better than they actually were. Like when an event may have been somewhat boring in your life, but years later when you think about it or talk about it with old friends, you make this event out to be such an important milestone in your life. Air-brushing and taking the past out of the garbage, brushing it off, and then placing it as a fixture on your fireplace mantel. Isn't that the best part of saying "oh, THOSE were the days" with a reminiscent smile on your face?

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