Lyric discussion by thedudeabidesman 

I always thought that it was a commentary on how the 50s were.

All the wondrous, trippy things that happen, I thought were't halucinations, but the illusions people had in the 50s that happy days were there again as the old song goes and that "Perfection" and great things were to come. Great things were to come, but not in the way the 50s envisioned them.

"Lookin' Out My Back Door" could be how people in the 50s were caught in an ideology that was going back in time and was backwards, how our culture was regressing instead of progressing, and "Doo Doo Doo" before that is commenting on how most people were celebrating these regressions instead of finding a problem with it.

"Bother me tomorrow, today I'll find no sorrow" in the 50s people were ignoring all of the cross-cutting cleavages and all the problems brewing in America and put it off to deal with it in the 60s when the problems had gotten way out of hand. It made dealing with the issues much more difficult and more dangerous because tension had been brewing for 10-15 years leading up to when people decided to start working to settle things.

On the surface, I feel it seems that it's about the 60s and tripping but I feel Creedence could very well have been using that as a vehicle to metaphorize how in the 50s people were tripping on their delusions of being able to remain a traditional society where nothing goes wrong.

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